Miscellaneous » ELAC » Agenda 9/15/23

Agenda 9/15/23

Vivian Banks Charter School
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)


The mission of Bonsall Unified School District is to empower all students to achieve their maximum learning
potential. Each California School with 21 or more English Learners, regardless of their language, must form an
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). The purpose of this committee is to advise the principal and staff in the
development of a site plan to the School Site Council for consideration of inclusion in the School Plan for Student
Achievement. Assisting in the development of the schoolwide needs assessment; ways to make parents aware of
the importance of regular school attendance; and each ELAC shall have the opportunity to elect at least one
member to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC).
Location: Vivian Banks Charter School
  • 8:45 am Call to Order
    ● Welcome, Introductions, and Attendance
    Each person invited introduced themselves. They were:
    Edgar Becerra, John, Norton, Mr. Kosch, Leonor Rodriguez, Ms. Sanchez-Carcamo, and Mr. Burnett
    ● Agenda Review included in the Google Slide
  • 9:00 am Purpose of the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
    ● Roles and Responsibilities on page in the GoogleSlide
  • 9:15 am How to understand your child’s ELPAC and CAASPP scores
    ● ELPAC Score Sheets
    ● CAASPP Score Sheets
    Parents were asked to circle the two lowest areas on the ELPAC and or CAASPP so we can discuss goals.
  • 9:45 am Elections
    ● President: Rosa Maria Santiago
    ● Vice President: Yasmin Duran
    ● Secretary: Mirna Orozco
    ● DELAC Representative: Rosa Maria Santiago
  • 10:00 Public Comments:
    A parent asked about what makes an LTEL in ELD and what is explained to the students as to why
    they are in ELD.
    There were questions about ELOP and the days of specific programs.
    A parent said that they see a difference in discipline and support with the RSP teacher and the
  • 10:30 Closing
    ● Adjournment