Miscellaneous » ELAC » Agenda 12/1/23

Agenda 12/1/23

Vivian Banks Charter School

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)



The mission of Bonsall Unified School District is to empower all students to achieve their maximum learning potential. Each California School with 21 or more English Learners, regardless of their language, must form an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). The purpose of this committee is to advise the principal and staff in the development of a site plan to the School Site Council for consideration of inclusion in the School Plan for Student Achievement. Assisting in the development of the schoolwide needs assessment; ways to make parents aware of the importance of regular school attendance; and each ELAC shall have the opportunity to elect at least one member to the District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC). 

Location: Vivian Banks Charter School

8:45  am   Call to Order  (Junta a la orden)

  • Welcome, Introductions, and Attendance

                                          Migrant Education- Blanca Munoz

                                          District Liaison- Leonor Rodriguez 

                                                                       Resources available, classes being provided (Aeries and English)


  •   Principal's Report - Expanded Learning Opportunities 

                                     Intersession Days 


8:45 am              Exercise Note to Child  (Nota para su hijo/hija)

9:00 am How to Read the Report Card that will be going out 01/16/2023
                            (Cómo leer las calificaciones que recibiran el 16 de enero)

9:30  am School  Attendance        (Asistencia a la escuela)

                             Importance of it and what each mark means

9:45                      Resources     (Recursos)

10:00     Migrant Education  (Educacion Migrante)

                            Eligibility, Resources Available, and Parent shared experiences

10:30                  Video and Exercise  (Video y ejercicio para padres, administración y invitados)

                            YouTube Ted Talk about the Power of Words

                            Parent discussion on words they use that are useful and reflection on words we can change.

11:00                  Parent Input     (Respuestas y preguntas  de los Padres)